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The Local Authority deals with applications to admit a pupil to the school.  The LA website for admissions is here.  Parents and carers are welcome to visit the school by prior appointment.  Our admission number is 55.

Goetre Primary School is an inclusive school that welcomes children from all backgrounds and abilities.  All applications will be treated on merit and in a sensitive manner.  It is our wish to allow all parents the right to have a place at the school of their choice.  The level of ability of a child or any special needs that s/he may have plays no part in the admissions policy of this school.  We provide full time education for children from age 3 to 11.  Children usually start in the nursery as soon as possible after their third birthday, providing there is a place available.  If you would like to register your child for a place at the school please contact Merthyr Tydfil Borough Council.  Applications are made to MTCBC in accordance with their admissions policy.

Goetre Primary School houses three Complex Needs Classes.  Admission to these classes is through a Special Additional Learning Needs Panel, which meet on a termly basis.  These classes can contain pupils who are within our catchment area or from outside our catchment.  There are specific entry and exit criteria for these classes.