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Yellow polo t-shirt

Purple jumper/ hoodie / cardigan

Black/grey trousers/skirt

We encourage all pupils to wear school uniform and prizes are given weekly for the class with the highest percentage of pupils who wear school uniform daily. We ask for your support with this.  Uniforms can be purchased by ordering from the school or from local shops in Merthyr Town Centre.  Supermarkets stock the polo shirts but purple jumpers are only available online.

We ask that long hair to be plaited and/or tied back at all times.  Please try to ensure that articles of clothing are marked or labelled with your child’s name and sensible footwear is encouraged.

Parents are asked to provide their children with shorts and t-shirts for P.E. and drama and suitable footwear for games and appropriate swimwear.  Coloured t-shirts can be purchased from school, the colour needed will be dependent upon the colour of the ‘house’ team your child will be put into.

Children are discouraged from wearing jewellery in school, particularly earrings which are considered dangerous in P.E. and Games lessons.  Valuables are brought to school at the child’s own risk.